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Milk Tooth

Milk Tooth is a five-piece union that explores an eclectic range of genres - filling up the space with ethereal noise and fusing the motions of electronic and live music. Based in Pōneke, Aotearoa, led by wāhine and non-binary individuals, they are bounded by divine soundscapes.

Milk Tooth started 3 years ago out of Massey University in Pōneke, Aotearoa, coming together through their shared experiences of being wāhine/ non-binary in a male dominated scene. Since then they have played almost all major venues around Wellington and recently celebrated their first single release, “Liquid”. 

The band consists of five members:

Estelle Norman plays three synths, and with her background in classical and jazz piano, she glides over the keys creating beautiful melodies, and powerful synth lines. 

Eve Tatom plays the guitar, bass, and vocals, a triple whammy of talent. She is a versatile member who captivates the audience with her smooth vocal and guitar lines.

Stella Fogorelli plays the keys, and vocals - a creative powerhouse of the band, she brings whimsical synth lines and harmonies that glues the Milk Tooth soundscape together.
Lian Hontalba plays the keys - utilising computer manipulation to create breathtaking ambient noise. Along with the keys, Lian also brings strong vocals and harmonies that perfectly translates the emotions of the songs. 

Eli Henderson plays the drums - grounding the band, and creating seamless continuity. Their hypnotic essence in flow pulls all elements of the sonic palette together, enticing the audience from afar. 

Milk Tooth aims to bend the ideas and concepts around genre and traditional music making, mixing mediums such as electronic, live and noise music.

Their creative process is one that is open-minded, equal, and evolving. 

27 October

Joe Mungovan

2 November

Private Function